Friday, July 22, 2016

Mars Hill 2016 Day 4!

This was our last full day at Mars Hill!  
 The kids were finally able to make a craft just for themselves :)  They are sanding 5 woodblocks that will turn into dice to make their own outdoor yahtzee set!  They turned out really cool!

 We got to go help at a worksite this morning!  This group had finished building a back deck so they asked the kids if they'd like to paint it!  Of course! We love painting :) The picture above is the kids throwing the little blocks of busted up concrete (that was the old deck) into the woods.

While we waited for the paint to arrive, the kids also helped pass the firewood back up to the new deck.

 After lunch, we went to a nearby retirement home to play BINGO with the residents!  We love BINGO!  (We also love the chocolate prizes ;)

 We had a wonderful week at Mars Hill!  Tomorrow we wrap up our week with a half day as we clean up, pack up and get ready to leave on Saturday.  Thanks for following along with us on our trip!  The kids have grown in fellowship with one another, in faith with God and have enjoyed serving the city of Mars Hill <3

Thursday, July 21, 2016

Mars Hill 2016 - Day 3!!

This was our Third day at Mars Hill!

Today we played the game called Kahoot.  We made a Bible version for everyone to play.

 we made cat and dog treats to take to the animal shelter.

 We painted the deck, the ceiling and the side of one of the work site houses.

We went to the animal shelter and played with the cats and dogs.  There was a cute bulldog and it had two different eye colors; and he was an appropriate dog who didn't bark! 

 We also played with the cats.  Amelia was a stubborn cat.  They gave us wands with fluffy dangling tails to use with the cats.  They loved them!


 We designed cookies for Ella's birthday!  Happy Birthday Ella!

 We watched Zootopia and there was whoa whoa whoa no spoilers!  

Before devotional the girls made a human yoga pyramid!

This blog post was written by Tommy squared!  (otherwise known as Tommy M and Tommy L :)

Mars Hill 2016 -Day 2!

This was our second day in Mars Hill.  

Making cards and jokes to put into the goody bags for everyone.

These are the gift bags that our VBS and Mars Hill kids made!
These are gifts for the sites that the VBS kids put  together!
We were making a frame with the sticks and flowers for the site owners.
The picture of us all when we just got our Minion tattoos on our foreheads. :)
We sorted the good okra from the bad okra at the food bank.  There were some squishy ones and some with mold on them and Tommy L found a lot of crickets!

Blog by Paul and Michael