Wednesday, March 9, 2016


After attending the APCE (Assoc of Presbyterian Church Educators) conference, where Karen Ware Jackson told us about the name "prayground" that another church had coined to describe the designated children's space in the worship service; I of course, had to take it!  :)  I love it!!  We already had the space and most of the materials, but I got some great ideas (some for our worship bags too, click here to see them!) to spice up the space, so I wanted to share the finished product :)

I'm sure I'll continue to tweak it and change things to make it interesting, but this is basically the set up...

The children create their "offerings" to God and the church and we hang some up on our picture wall!

 The children meet with me at the front for our children's time, which is when I give them their worship bags.  They don't get them before that time, because mainly we are singing and greeting one another and there is no need for them.  Then they have the choice of going to the "prayground" with me, or returning to their parents.  It's been working out great and we are all enjoying it :)

they love the new fidget sticks :)  that's all some of them did!  fidget and listen :)

puzzles are another favorite!
my older girls love creating "offerings" to hang on the wall!

I'm loving the space!  I had been searching for a great name to call it and now I have it :)  Thank you Grace Lutheran for coming up with it!!

God bless!


  1. the name "PrayGround" came from Grace Lutheran Church of Apple Valley, MN. My friend Andrea Roske-Metcalf is the Associate Pastor, and she asked a folks at the church and beyond to brainstorm names. This one was the clear winner :)

  2. yea!! I'm so glad we know where it came from! Thank you Grace Lutheran!!
