Day 1 Build others up!
Our theme today was "Build others up"! After role playing, reading our verse for today and reading "The Three Questions", we watched this video - Speak Life by Toby Mac. Great song - and extremely relevant to our theme today! The children were able to pick out the words that would build up and the words that would tear someone down. Very cool. Other things we did - made little "encouragement" booklets to put in the geocaches we found, decorated their "goody" bags with permanent markers and alcohol,went geocaching (see their blogpost!), started their toolboxes, made cat and dog toys to take to the shelter tomorrow, watched part of a movie and had some down time! it was a great day!! :)
Sophia giving directions to the first geocache :)
The one we didn't find!! hate it when I don't find the cache :-/
good hiding spot :)
making cat and dog toys!
they turned out cool :) we can't wait to go tomorrow and play with the animals!
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