March was full of fun and activities as we all got ready for Easter! First, many of the women/moms got together for a relaxing morning of yoga and discussion. It was awesome! Can't wait for the next one :)
In Sunday school this month, we learned about Holy Week and Easter. During their week of ipads, the kids made coloring pages, mandalas, word searches or crosswords that we used as an activity booklet on Easter.
Story time with Ms. Karen!
The prek learning about the Empty tomb!
playing games in 1st/2nd grade
ipad week for the 4th/5th grade
ipad week for the 1st/2nd grade
During our Second Sunday gathering, the Kid's club kiddos got to finish their little clay communion sets and take their first communion! It was a wonderful moment to witness <3 The 4th/5th grade TNT kids had a "laid back" evening where we did a devo, had an awesome discussion and "why bad things happen", talked about what we could do to redecorate their TNT room and they wrote to their granpals and invited them to Bingo night! (sorry no pics!)
The week before Easter we had our First Ever "Eggstra Special Easter Egg hunt"! What a wonderful and amazing event that was! I was so touched by how many people came from Highland to help and how sweet our kids and youth at highland were with our guests. Many people even got to speak on the radio during the Kids Cookie Break broadcast!
During Palm Sunday, the kids processed into the first service with palm branches! It was the 4th Sunday so we played games down in the gym...palm sunday games! And we also got the gaga ball pit out :) Mr. Pete also taught the kids a game called "squirrel tag" you can see he enjoyed it as well ;)
During the second service on Palm Sunday, the kids performed their musical "Kidz Under Construction". They did incredible!!