We had a very busy and fun Christmas at Highland! During Sunday school we focused on the Nativity Scene and talked about who the figures were that were there and what role they played in our Christmas Scripture. Each week they received a piece or two of the nativity to add to their collection. At the end of the month they had the whole set to take home! The older kids got to paint theirs and they turned out beautifully!
What else did we do this December? Well, the kids shopped at the Christmas store, the Choristers sang numerous times and the Kid's Club and TNT groups had a PJ Pizza Christmas movie party!! Check out all the pics below :)
If you would like to see the Christmas Eve videos that the kids participated in, they are at the bottom! You can not find them on our youtube channel as they are private :)
January we are learning about Peter and how he helped spread the Word about Jesus to other people - even when it put him in danger!
Christmas Store
The Choristers sang 3 times throughout the month! This year we had child musicians as well!
Opening up their gifts and seeing which figure they got!
An Angel! :)
Playing, setting up and painting their Nativity sets!
Kid's Club and TNT Christmas Party! We also got to participate in a mission project where the kids stuffed stockings to give to people in need.
Some fun pics to end the year with :)
Helping at clipper stadium!
I'm Rudolph!! :)
Selfie during worship ;)
Merry Christmas everyone and Happy New Year!!