It's January!!
The kids were a little disappointed that we still hadn't had any snow so we made our own!!
It looks great in our hallway! They did a great job :) Come and check it out!
Jesus Heals the Man Through the Roof
I love this story and the different angles from which you can read and understand it! The children experienced this story by either acting it out or by being the storyteller, making an art project, playing games, creating a story and looking at it scientifically (just how hard would it be to lower someone down that far?!). In addition, the children had to work together, as the four friends did, to accomplish some of their own tasks.
Wyatt sharing his story with the prop they made in drama! way to go wyatt!
Ella's story! I love that the man on the mat had "parasites" ;)
Iranzi using his prop from art to tell the story!
First and Second graders: In storytelling the children listened to our teacher Ms. Karen tell them the story, first using the Children's Bible, then using the prop above. It's a wonderful teaching tool because it's using physical movement and visuals to teach - and the kids learned it really well!! I got to hear 4 of them tell me, with their prop, the whole story :) Unfortunately, I only got videos of two of them - but the whole class did great!
Ms. Carol also helped them create a Heart puzzle that we put up in the hallway (you can see it outside 101). Each child (in all grades) is a piece of the puzzle, because together, we make up the whole body :) We are the body of Christ, we are all friends and we work together to further the Kingdom of God!
Decorating their puzzle piece
Due to the big snow we had, the older children still need to decorate their pieces :)
In art with Ms. Carol, the kids also got to decorate friendship cookies! They discussed friendship and what it means to be a friend (just like the 4 friends in the story!) and then made cookie for themselves and one to give a friend :)
making "Friendship Tea" and sharing with all the teachers! Thank you very much!!
Mr. Dick Entz also taught the 4th/5th graders a little science - exactly how hard would it be to lower someone down through a roof? Turns out - not that easy!!
The weights weigh almost as much as one of them :) Not so easy lowering someone down! I can't imagine doing it from a roof!
As you are aware, our third graders are traveling this year through the Bible. This month, they have made their way through the books of History in the Old Testament. We are delighted to welcome a new student - Jaden - to our class! Two third graders have completed three outside projects and their achievements have been celebrated by presenting them hand puppets. Joanna chose a horse (of course! – knowing how she loves horses.) Her projects were a books of the Bible poster and reading the books of Luke and Acts on her own. Tommy will be receiving his puppet this Sunday. He has chosen a new puppet we have never seen before – a peregrine falcon. His projects were a books of the Bible poster, participating in the Advent Angel program, and writing a story about the birth of Jesus for a school assignment. Congratulations!
Third graders reading a play about Ruth :)
Every grade also got to participate in a few group building exercises. As friends, it's important to learn how to work together to get something done. It's not always easy - we have to be patient!
3rd grade - YES!!!
The 4th/5th grade stacking a pyramid using only a rubberband and strings
The first and second grade boys giving it a try!
They also made a friendship salad!
Practicing our musical!
Our prek class singing with Ms. Ann and learning a song to sing for Easter in Big Church!
Sorry :( the audio didn't turn out well...but they're still so cute :) I'll get them next time!
First and second grade class "saving Fred" the worm from drowning and getting him into his "life saver" :)
We had a wonderful month! Next week we start the Joseph story which we will continue throughout February :)
Lesson plan for the Man Lowered through the roof can be found here.